Category: Greenville North Carolina

Honda Roadside Assistance Has You Covered

honda roadside assitance north carolina
Honda Roadside Assistance is a 24/7 emergency roadside service available to you in the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico. Roadside Assistance is standard starting with the 2015 Honda fleet and it covers the first 3 years or 36,000 miles of your Honda. Here is a rundown of everything that Honda... [read more]

Spring has Sprung: Protecting Your Honda’s Paint from Pollen

washing off pollen north carolina
Ah, spring has finally arrived – the weather is getting warmer, the days are getting longer, and your allergies are getting worse. Not only is the pollen terrible for your eyes and nose, it is also bad news for your car. The same pollen that wreaks havoc on our noses... [read more]