What Makes Greenville, NC the best Greenville in the U.S.?

Greenville North Carolina

Did you know that Greenville is one of the post popular city names in the United States? With 31 cities named Greenville across the country, there are only three other city names that represent more cities than Greenville. This may get you to wondering what makes Greenville, NC the best of all of the Greenville’s? Luckily, we know exactly why Greenville, North Carolina is the number one Greenville in the country!

Greenville’s in Other States

In addition to Greenville, NC, there are 29 other cities that hold the great name “Greenville”. Did you know that all of these states had a city named Greenville in them? Keep in mind that this does not even include any alternate spellings or counties with the same name!

•Greenville, Alabama
•Greenville, California
•Greenville, Delaware
•Greenville, Florida
•Greenville, Georgia
•Greenville, Illinois
•Greenville, Indiana
•Greenville, Iowa
•Greenville, Kentucky
•Greenville, Maine
•Greenville, Massachusetts
•Greenville, Michigan
•Greenville, Mississippi
•Greenville, Missouri
•Greenville, New Hampshire
•Greenville, New Jersey
•Greenville, Greene County, New York
•Greenville, Orange County, New York
•Greenville, Westchester County, New York
•Greenville, North Carolina
•Greenville, Ohio
•Greenville, Pennsylvania
•Greenville, Rhode Island
•Greenville, South Carolina
•Greenville, Texas
•Greenville, Utah
•Greenville, Virginia
•Greenville, Logan County, West Virginia
•Greenville, Monroe County, West Virginia
•Greenville, Wisconsin

Founding of Greenville, North Carolina

Originally (in 1771) the city that is now known as “Greenville” in North Carolina was named Martinsborough. After the revolutionary war, the city was renamed to honor at Revolutionary war hero, General Nathanael Greene. With many cities, counties and towns named after the war hero, many people live in an area that is dedicated to him without even knowing it!

Nathanael Greene Heroes of the American Revolution - Greenville, NC

Why Greenville, North Carolina is Great Today

Today Greenville, North Carolina has so much to offer residents and visitors. From hometown sports teams to amazing local art, Greenville, North Carolina is arguably the best Greenville in the country. Greenville has seen amazing growth, but also has kept so much of its small-town charm and historic elegance.

While there may be a lot of places called “Greenville”, Greenville, North Carolina residents know that they live in the best Greenville. The amazing sense of community and culture ensure that North Carolina has the best Greenville of them all!

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